Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Karma Snack 2.1 is on the way...

Karma Snack 2.1, launching very soon. Visit For more info. The #1 Internet Marketing Services company in Miami.
Karma Snack 2.1, launching very soon. Visit For more info.
Karma Snack 2.1, launching very soon. Visit For more info.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Karma Snack 2.1 - Almost Here

Karma Snack 2.1 - Only 6 Days away!!!
Read more about the #1 Internet Marketing Service Company in Miami.
Karma Snack 2.1 - Only 6 Days away!!!
Karma Snack 2.1 - Only 6 Days away!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Building Credibility with a Website - Karma Snack

With a new business and even established business, it can be a long road before credibility is built. A website can speed up the process.

Credibility can be built with a website the following ways:

Company history and background-content that describes the history of the company with timelines. Photos, videos, awards, and memberships can be included in the content.

(Read the rest of Building Credibility with a Website.)
Building Credibility with a Website -
Building Credibility with a Website -

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Competing Online Using Internet Marketing Services

Many searches result in over a million options. Obviously the sites past the few pages rarely get visited. The perfect website offering the perfect product or service will go unvisited if it hasn’t been optimized for search engines. SEO (search engine optimization) is important to push a website to the first pages. The websites on the page one gets the most visitors. A professionally designed website, like the websites designed by Karma Snack will keep the visitor on the website long enough to see if the product or service offers matches their needs. (Read the rest Competing Online Using Internet Marketing Services.)
How to Competing Online -
How to Competing Online -

Content is King ? Bring on the Crown

Content IS king, make sure your content is worthy of wearing the crown. Sprinkling mediocre content with keywords will not keep your targeted audience on your website. Quality content is what you need.

Content worthy of wearing the crown will need the following: (Read the rest Content is King – Bring on the Crown.)
Content is King – Bring on the Crown -
Content is King – Bring on the Crown -

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Karma Snack 2.1 Offical Launch Date...

Karma Snack 2.1 is officially Launching October 16, 2009! Pass it on!! - Visit Internet Marketing Services for more details.
Karma Snack 2.1 is officially Launching October 16, 2009! Pass it on!! -
Karma Snack 2.1 is officially Launching October 16, 2009! Pass it on!! -
An Internet Marketing Study
An Internet Marketing Study

An Internet Marketing Study ? More Traffic

There were no bubbling test tubes or frothing beakers…the product was not tested on animals and taxpayers money was not used to discover the obvious…but Karma Snack’s marketing skills were put to the test in the case study of A2Z Big Loans.

A2Z Big Loans is the product of Dubberly Financial and AB Capital Investment Corp joining together to develop an online international and commercial lending service. They were ready to aggressively compete for the customers available online. They chose Karma Snack to lead the way because of their expertise and experience. (Read rest of An Internet Marketing Study – More Traffic)
Web Marketing Experience
Web Marketing Experience

Internet Marketing Experience Matters

Size might not always matter, but experience does. There is only so much anyone can learn from books and sitting in a classroom. The rest comes from real experience in the field in the real world.

There is no reason to re-invent the wheel; so learning from others is very valuable. When choosing an Internet marketing company, do a little research and see what experience their team has. See if it compares with an Internet marketing company like Karma Snack. Their team’s experience comes from working with companies that have helped the following familiar names reach higher rankings: (Read rest of Internet Marketing Experience Matters.)

Website Use For Consulting Company

Websites are useful in selling products, providing information, and getting hired to provide services. Consulting is one of the services that can utilize a website to increase business. To have a professionally designed and affective website, an Internet marketing service agency, like Karma Snack, can be hired. Read the rest of Website Use For Consulting Company.
Website Use For Consulting Company
Website Use For Consulting Company

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Karma Snack 2.1 is almost here! Visit the #1 Internet Marketing Services Agency for more info.

Karma Snack 2.1 on it's way!!!

Karma Snack 2.1 is almost here! Visit the #1 Internet Marketing Services Agency for more info.
Karma Snack 2.1 is almost here! Visit the #1 Internet Marketing Services Agency for more info.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The A/B Split Test Karma Snack -

The A/B Split Test - Karma Snack

An A/B split test will help you to get the high conversion rates that you need to bring in income. This can be done yourself or you can hire an experienced Internet marketing company to do a website A/B split test.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why Have a Website? -

Why Have a Website? - Karma Snack

You have an established successful business and you have managed to keep going even with the recent changes in the economy, so why bother with a website?

There are many people who seek information on the Internet.

The Internet has become a convenience for a fast paced society that keeps non-business hours.

Reasons to have a website for your business:

• 24/7 availability-people who keep traditional work hours of 8 to 5 are becoming less common all the time. (Read the rest of the article - Why Have a Website?)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Benefits of Increased Website Traffic -

The Benefits of Increased Website Traffic

increase-web-trafficEven when the economy was better, you lacked traffic and there is even worse. Before you may have gotten by, but now you cannot deny that you need increased traffic to your site. With a little rearrangement of available funds, you think you may be able to hire an Internet marketing company like Karma Snack to increase the traffic to your site. You may be reluctant to take the next step because you are not sure of all the benefits of increased traffic.

Increased traffic has different benefits depending on the purpose of the . Every will benefit from the traffic generated from search engine optimizing (). With increased visitors there is a better chance of fulfilling the websites purpose.

(Read the rest of the article - The Benefits of Increased Website Traffic)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Increasing Online Profits With Affiliate Marketing -

Increasing Online Profits With Affiliate Marketing

The advantage of having an affiliate marketing program is that the payout occurs after there are results.

A company that doesn’t offer an affiliate program can increase their income by starting.

A Miami Internet marketing services company like Karma Snack can help you create a new affiliate program or improve a current affiliate program. Hiring an Internet marketing company to manage an affiliate program can lead to an increase in income.

The way an affiliate program works is that individual websites will promote your product and services for no charge. The leads that are acquired will be directed to you. When one of those leads generates a sale, the affiliate marketer earns a percentage of the sale. When payment is received then the affiliate marketer receives payment. (Read rest of the article - Increasing Online Profits With Affiliate Marketing)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Miami Internet Marketing -

Website And SEO ? An Overview -

cleaningcompany A needs SEO () in order to drive targeted traffic using keywords to it. Since there are several millions of pages online competing for any particular keyword, SEO techniques are used to make sure that your shows up high in the rankings for your top keywords. But that’s not enough when it comes to working with Karma Snack. We take things to the next level, and we’ll show you how. Read the rest of the article - Website And SEO – An Overview.
Your Website's Color and Image -

Your Website's Color and Image

Your company’s colors help you to present the image that best represents your company. With so many color choices and combinations, it can be overwhelming to any business owner. It can be a challenging for new business owners and for established business owners who are ready to improve their image. With a team of experienced Miami Internet marketers like the ones at Karma Snack, it can be easy to choose the colors that present a professional and accurate image of the business.

Below is some general information about some basic colors. Once the basic colors are chosen, the shades and intensity of the colors can be determined. Read More ... Your Website's Color and Image

Generate Income With PPC In A Bad Ecnomy

PPC is the abbreviation for Pay Per Click. For many, bad economic times means less income. This has been true for many Internet advertisers. For other Internet advertisers, their income has remained consistent and even increase. The reason some are making money still with PPC is because they have a Miami Internet Marketing company like Karma Snack that has the skill and experience to generate traffic and increase the ROI (Return On Investment). Others may not have an Internet marketing company helping them and may try to maintain their PPC income on their own. Usually this becomes time consuming, isn’t cost effective, and takes time away from other income producing projects. Read More... Generate Income With PPC In A Bad Ecnomy
Generate Income With PPC -

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Proactive Marketing During A Recession

proactive-marketingMarketing during a recession can very crucial for several online businesses. There are several avenues you can take to marketing correctly, reduce your costs, and increase your revenue at the same time. I will touch on 5 areas that an online business can take advantage of to survive and thrive during a recession.

Current Customer Base

You’re current and repeat customers are golden here. Not only do most business reply on them during peak times, but they now become more crucial during downtimes.

An online newsletter is a perfect way to communicate with your customers to keep your brand in their minds, and inform them of updates about new products or services you offer. Giving them free information about tips, tricks, and benefits of your products/services that they can take advantage of can help get you great referrals from them as well.

Giving loyalty discounts is also another way to generate additional revenue from your current customer base and give your brand the opportunity be seen as caring and rewarding to customers. These loyalty discounts can also help spread buzz or viral marketing of your brand within your customer’s friends, family, and co-workers.

Courtesy phone calls, email and communication to customers, not necessarily selling but talking to them asking if they enjoyed your services/products, and if they have any concerns or questions they would like to ask. When I get a customer cares call from a company, especially a small shop it makes me feel like they really care, and put their brand in a good light in my mind.

New Customer Base

New customers can be gained by a variety of ways for a lower cost than you would expect. Advertising on a newsletter list within your industry is one example. Finding an industry newsletter is as simple as typing into Google “(industry) newsletter”. Companies looking for sponsors or advertisers will run most of these newsletters. Negotiate with them to see if you can get a better price “due to the economy”, etc. If you plan on continually advertising within the group once successful use this to your advantage as well.

Cold Calling Targeted Audience

Cold calling is another way. Now I don’t mean calling a people from a yellow book lists, but gathering a list of potential clients and doing the research necessary to convey to them the benefits your products/services can offer them. Cold calling your targeted audience or demographic is key.

At Karma Snack, we help clients target their demographics correctly by gathering key data from the US Census Bureau, Online demographic databases, and industry sources and provide that information to our clients with a guide on how to best utilize this information.


Craigslist is a great way to gain inbound phone calls, and incoming leads to your business. Simply placing not an advertisement, but specify the exact services you provide for your listings can gain you a huge amount of new FREE customers. There are several tricks to getting more exposure for your lists that we teach within the Karma Snack newsletter we provide to clients – signup to learn more.

Internet Search of Targeted Audience

This falls in line with cold calling, but doing extensive research on your targeted audience, where they search online, what websites they visit, and where they communicate is important to targeting the gaining new customers. An example: if you are a music artists that needs exposure online, you can tap into where your targeted audience would be like places like Myspace, YouTube, twitter, and other community based web 3.0 portals. Find out where your audience is and become an active member there, and interact.

Competition’s Customer Base

During a recession business do one of two things, increase their marketing or decrease it. The smart successful ones know that the majority of their competition is decreasing their marketing, which opens up the opportunity to gain their marketing share.

In a recession I tell all of my clients, now is when it is time to strict. Aggressively market to your audience and especially your competition’s customer base. Have you seen the Mac versus PC ads, they are hitting Microsoft hard, and it is working. It took Microsoft over 2 years to finally come out of the dark and retaliate, but it is almost too late now.

Go strong after your competition, advertise in all the places they used to advertise, expand in places where they where, when the recession is over, you will not only be in top positions, and taking away marketing shares, the competition will be left in the dust.

Current Sales Force

Right now is your perfect opportunity to refocus your brand and your sales team. Update and improve sales material while the times are a little slow. Asking your team what they need, ask for marketing ideas and verticals that your business can go into and listen. The best ideas I’ve seen come from within the rankings, since they are on the front lines with customers and clients, and are intimately involved in your business’s day-to-day activities. They might see opportunities that management cannot see.

Update and add new case studies, and client testimonials for your business. Talking to currently clients can open the opportunities for conversation not only for repeat business, but also referrals.

Expand sales staff and offer them higher commission rates or incentives to help increase your incoming revenue. During a recession more salespersons are out of work, which is the exact opposite of what should happen. There are great people out there looking for good pay work. During a recession, you need even more people proactively selling for you, and increasing your brand’s awareness. Your competition for example might be shedding sales-force that you can pick up, and use to your advantage.

Analyze Your Current Marketing

Make sure you analyze your current marketing efforts and reduce non-performing marketing campaigns. You should always be doing this, but make sure you can justify reducing the campaigns. If you don’t have exact numbers on how the return on investment is broken down to a new customer basis like TV, Radio, or Print, get rid of it. The beauty of all is the ability to view directly how much you are paying for clicks, visitors, content, and basically new clients. The Internet is the most measurable marketing media available to date. TV, radio, Print, and others all fall in comparison to measurability and reducing in customer acquisition.

Expand performing efforts. Since your competition is most likely reducing their marketing, you can get more bang for your buck, and increase your customer bases by expanding your current efforts. It sounds like going against the grain, but the old saying applies, those who go against the grain reap the biggest rewards.

There are several guerilla and other viral marketing efforts that I will touch on at a later date that you can utilize to increase your business’s revenues and marketing share during a recession. Use this time to take away market share while your competition is receding. Once the bounce back happens you will be 5 steps ahead of them with an increased market share, and will have made it difficult for your competition to grow like you did.

KarmaSnack 2.0 now available!!!

KarmaSnack 2.0 is out!!! Free download available at !!!
KarmaSnack 2.0 is out!!! Free download available at !!!
KarmaSnack 2.0 is out!!! Free download available at !!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

2 Days till Karma Snack 2.0!!! Sign up for the newsletter to get the first sneak peak!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Karma Snack - Miami Internet Marketing taken to the extreme. Results are the only thing that matter in a campaign. Visit

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bebo - Miami Internet marketing -
Visit The #1 Miami Internet Marketing Services Company - Karma Snack by goging to their website at

Increase Your Website Traffic With SEO

Increase Your Website Traffic With SEO. SEO includes on-site and off-site techniques of increasing traffic from the .

On-site SEO

On-site optimization involve restructuring your code, so can read it better, faster, and understand what your website’s message is. Some of things that are altered and tested in an ongoing process include the title, images, captions, textual content, videos, tags, JavaScript coding, meta tags, and CSS files. The right balance of coding and structural changes is needed to rank better in the . Simply having a search engine friendly website is going to be a huge plus when it comes to gaining traffic.
One of the most important SEO techniques is updating your website. The such as Google, , Ask, and love updating content, since it shows that the website owners are serious about keeping customers informed and up to date on the latest information.

Example, what would happen if you went to a news website such as, and it didn’t have the latest updated news. It had stories from 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months ago? You probably will not go back there for news, since it isn’t fresh.
Ever industry has this “freshness” factor. News sites for example, should be constantly updating throughout the day, so their freshness factor has to be very high. Other websites such as encyclopedias, and dictionaries, don’t need a high freshness factor. Every industry is different. At Karma Snack, we take this into consideration when doing your on-site search engine optimization campaign. We have copyrighting services that allow your website to stay fresh with new content so you can keep up with your competition.
Off-site SEO

Off-site optimization involves sending traffic to your website from other websites. The traffic comes in from backlinks (links that link “back” to your website). see the amount of backlinks as an important factor for your search engine rankings. The more backlinks to your website, means your website is more important. Simply having more backlinks to a website can increase your traffic from the backlinks itself, as well as traffic from the .
Within your Karma Snack Internet marketing campaign, you will gain backlinks from web directories, article directories, social bookmarking sites (Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit, etc), social media websites (YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, etc), and Web 2.0 websites (Twitter, Merchant Circle, Yelp, etc). The more places you are found on the online which backlink to your website, the faster your traffic will grow.
Not All Traffic is Created Equal

At Karma Snack, we differ in the methods in which we get you traffic. Not all traffic is equal. For example, Digg traffic is notorious for being high, fast, but poor at converting. The main reason is the traffic from Digg comes from passive traffic, they are not really looking for your services, they just happened to see something interesting on your website. Digg traffic is known for coming to your website, visiting 1 or 2 pages, and then leaving immediately since they are not your targeted audience for your services.
When a visitor visits 1 page of your website and leave this is referred to as a Bounce, the goal of any online business is to have a low Bounce Rate. Having a low bounce rate is achieve by having targeted traffic going to your website, since this will increase the chances of your traffic converting into sales.
Traffic from an article that you have written, images that you have posted on photo website, or videos that you have posted on video websites are going to have a lower bounce rate, since people that are viewing your content are more likely interested in your services. The key, and where Karma Snack Internet marketing is superior is the knowledge of what traffic is best for your targeted audience, and will convert into revenue. To learn more about how Karma Snack - Miami Internet Marketing can help increase your online revenue contact us today.
Quick Blog, Check out my Miami Internet Marketing Multiply Page. Web 2.0 extreme!!
Check out my New Miami Internet Marketing Page!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Miami Internet Marketing Traffic
Miami Internet Marketing Traffic
Karma Snack Miami Internet Marketing is going through a facelift. Coming Soon... the new!!
Classic Blog Post: How Do I Increase Traffic To My Website? -

How Do I Increase Traffic To My Website?

Website owners come to Karma Snack asking this exact question. They want to increase their traffic, increase their leads/sales, and increase their revenue, and be able to manage a growing online business.

We specialize in Internet Marketing Services for businesses with budgets as little at $1000 to over $5000 a month. It’s important to note that we can adjust to any size budget to help you gain the sales you are looking for.

Internet Marketing Campaign

A proper Internet marketing campaign can includes search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click management (PPC), and social media marketing (Viral). Each one of these areas can help you achieve amazing results when it comes to increase your online traffic. Let’s talk a little about each one of these.

Search Engine Optimization
SEO techniques are utilized by Karma Snack to increase your rankings, presence, and traffic from search engines. Search engines have the ability to deliver massive amounts of traffic to your business. A proper search engine optimized website and Internet marketing campaign can reap you great rewards.

During SEO, web directories are utilized to gain you traffic from specific industry directories that will drive targeted traffic to your website, as well as show the search engines that your website is being linked to from well know authority websites that the search engines trust. This process helps increase your PageRank (Google’s search engine rankings system).

RSS feeds are also utilized to spread the message of you website, your pages, and content throughout the Internet and generate you traffic by linking back to your website.

Writing and syndicating articles that are geared toward your targeted audience will feed the search engine spiders, which are hungry for information about your services. The syndicating process allows your article, video content, and images to be seen on other major trafficked websites, which in return send you traffic for being the original source of the content.

An important factor in SEO is updating your website with fresh new content that will keep the search engine spiders fed and continue to send you traffic since your information is up to date.

There are other factors that are involved in SEO, and that are important to fully understand how search engines such as Google, Yahoo, ASK, and MSN can send you thousands of visitors on a daily basis. You can read more about these techniques in the “Karma Snack Knowledge Center” as well.
Pay Per Click
A proper pay per click campaign can be utilized to drive immediate traffic that you pay for on a per click basis from the major traffic source websites such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, and MSN. Google’s Adwords advertising program is one of the most famous PPC programs online.

With a PPC campaign you bid on your targeted keywords to gain traffic to your website. If your bid is good enough with a good quality score, your Ad will appear for your keywords and with properly optimized Ad copy people will click on your Advertisements. Once they go to your website, your landing pages will be the portal to your website, in which you will be able to sell them on your services, and convert them into a sales.

At Karma Snack, we help increase your quality score, so you pay less than your competition for your keywords, but still have your advertisement placed higher than theirs. We create and test new ad copy and landing pages to optimized them for increased sales.

An example: We create an Ad that has a Click through rate of about 5% (5% of the visitor that see the Ad click on it), and your landing page has a conversion rate of about 15% (15% of the people that landing on your page become a sale or lead), we work and test your ad copy to increase the click through rate (CTR), and increase the conversion rate on your landing page, so you get more bang for your buck. We also work to reduce keywords that are not performing, and increase ones that are doing excellent. It is a daily ongoing process of monitoring bidding strategy to get the maximum results for your website.

PPC is the fastest way to increase your traffic tomorrow for your website, but compared to Viral, and SEO, the most expensive.

Viral Marketing
Viral marketing involves getting traffic from buzz marketing websites. These websites include traffic portals (directories, industry portals), social bookmarking sites (Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, etc), social media websites (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Yelp, etc), and web 2.0 websites (YouTube, Squidoo, Merchant Circle, etc).

Understanding your target audience and where they visit when they are online is the first step. We encompass statistics and analytics of your targeted audience into every viral marketing campaign. We get traffic from places that your target audience visits and don’t concentrated on places where a 10 year old kid for example will be surfing (Unless that is your target audience).

Forums and message boards are also another great way of getting traffic that we encompass into your viral marketing campaign. Newsletter solutions, allow you to increase your list to up-sell to current customers and help them stay informed, this is also considered buzz marketing.
Viral Marketing is one of the most effective way to generate targeted traffic, and when done properly can propel a website’s traffic very quickly.

When comparing PPC, SEO, or Viral to any traditional marketing medias such as TV, Radio, or Print, Internet Marketing is by far the cheapest way to get sales for a business. It has the highest ROI, and is most important, measurable, and accountable.

For more useful resources and information on Internet marketing, or if your would like to talk directly to us please get in touch with us today by going our contact us page.

At Karma Snack - A Miami Internet Marketing Services Agency, we guarantee that if you don’t see significant results within 7 to 10 months of your marketing campaign, no matter what, your next year is FREE!!!